A profilic yet hidden striker has been unmasked at MSE! A MS Times reporter had just got home when he learnt about this earth-shaking news.
"Berbatov can't play for nuts, Benbatov can prolly dribble past 11 players and their manager," claims Eddie.
"I'm a huge fan of Benbatov," chants Xiang Hui.
"I think Ben is better than Berbatov and should be in Man Utd right now!" A very confident David proclaims.
"Looks like it is not just me that supports Benbatov. Everyone concurs as well. Such a potential age of 22," concludes Adrean, whom many rumour to be the one who has discovered the well-concealed presence of this lanky striker whom everyone adores.
When approached, the modest striker Ben simply had this to say. "Dun believe adrean."
Stay tuned for the latest news about this mysterious crowd favourite!
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