As promised, here are more details regarding the
1.5k Event! Since our first email, we have received many curious questions, and sorry for dodging them! We were waiting for the dust to settle and slowly biding our time. Now, this is the time to DISCLOSE THIS TOP-SECRET INFORMATION.
Haha, that's because some people said we were being 'mysterious.' I like (:
Now now, what can I do to persuade you to come?
Would telling you that great food would be served? And in fact,

Hmm, doesn't the look of seaweed induces the smell and crispness of it in your mind now? The soft rice, the tender fillings, yum! And of course, all these are halal, so EVERYONE can come enjoy this one-of-a-kind buffet! I know for sure myself am sick of fried beehoon, or fried rice at catered buffets. So let's all eat JAPANESE! But of course we won't swing totally to the Land of the Rising Sun, so we provide other kinds of food also! For those who love warm, cooked food (:
At such an important event, you can be sure to
meet important people, who can help you now, or in the future. Professors and seniors would be there to share their wisdom and experience with you in an informal and relaxed setting. Perhaps over a cup of drink, you could find what you could do to secure that career you've been thinking about.
For the
year 1s and year 2s, I know you would think that this is too early to do any kind of social networking, but trust me, anything starts from young. People would need time to observe and assess if you would be of an asset to them, and if you manage to capture the eyes of potential mentors or employers early, who knows, you may be well on your way to a bright future!
Oops, sorry for sounding all business-y and boringggggg.
But I stand by my point. To the
year 3s and year 4s, I hate to say this, but more than half of your life as a NUS Honours Ugrad is gone. This would be a good opportunity to find out more about relevant industries and your future, whether to further your studies, or step out into the working world. Even for those who are already decided, why not just come on down and listen to what those who really are working now have to say? After all, it is already the end of the year, and I'm sure everyone is entitled to relax once in a while (:
This is getting lengthy... Ho-hum. Alright, I promise it's gonna end soon!
I know Christmas is a good 15days away from our 1.5k Event, BUT,wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity to
jump straight in to the festive mood?
Yup this is champa-, I mean sparkling juice.
Tentatively we will be holding a pajamas party! Before images of cotton and feather and dust flying everywhere occupies your thoughts, hold it! We are very civilised people and you just simply prepare a set of pajamas if you're staying overnight with us. All these is just like Christmas Eve, no? Waiting for Santa Claus to drop presents by our bedside... But that's highly unlikely unless you win our lucky draw (:
Everyone just sit in a tight and cozy circle, sharing unfortunate events of romantic past, scary encounters of the supernatural, or simply just talking nonsense through the night. Statistics (by the unreliable me) has shown that people bond, through sharing. We get to know what they hold most dear to them, and what hurts them worse than anything else. Aw, c'mon, these are
your friends whom you're gonna see and work with for years to come! It wouldn't hurt to get to know them a little better right? Some might even become your best man, bridesmaid, or even the significant other-half.
Being situated near
Changi Village has its perks too! All those good supper food... And 'eye-candies' would jolt even the sleepiest snorlax awake.
Okay okay I promise I shan't be naggy! I've done what I can, so whether you go or not is up to you... Btw, the registration website is just on the right side.
Oh for the very last point, if you go, you get to see me! (and all the other MSE EXCO also lah!)