Right here comes the second part of the "fateful" night.... After so long where I felt too lazy to do anything, it's time to make the pictures of the night available for all to see!!!
And cuz it is taking ages to upload the pictures, these pictures here will be those that are more memorable and not those that look "dumb"(though we think it was fun during the journey)...

And here was the photo we took before we left for Lau Pa Sat with one of our "injured" bike in tow. And we sure swear that we did nothing except hear that the tyre went "psssttttt" by itself....

Lau Pa Sat!! But we were tired and hungry and so food was the only thing on our mind. Right, and when we thought of taking photos of the wonderful stuff we had tasted, this was all that was left.... Paiseh... I noe Hungry Ghost Festival still far away leh...

And obviously, someone was more than happy to see the food that was on the table again!! Right???
Erm as per request... Photo is censored and deleted... So we are missing out on something great maybe??? Ambassador of the year for STB Tour Singapore 2009 maybe??? haha....

And these people were more than happy to take down more food once again gg by the amount of food on their table..

But while we were busy eating, others were busy in the ICU, trying to recover the injured bike before it had to make its way back on none other than the taxi!!! But glad to say that we managed to revive the bike and continue on our journey

And this is none other than the hero of the night...Without these, some of us wun be even in the photos since we would be hopelessly lost... And we could film Singapore version of "LOST"!!!

Finally, after the torturous journey through the Botanica Gardens, we reached the second last stop for the night or should we say day?? Mcdonalds at Serene Center, where we had our little Christmas gift exchange...

And here we have all the gifts for the night!!!!

Including this, where everyone guess correctly that it was given by Daniel!!!

And here we are at MacRitchie Reservoir, for our final rest... All the tired faces and hurting butts....

And just in case someone keep saying I always post the unglam shots of her, here is one of mine.... Results of gg night cycling?? Wanted and being in the poster at the bus stop... Right, this shows that night cycling cannot be joined.... haha....

Finally, the prata at Thomson Road.... Our final meal of the day?? or was it night to begin with.....

And the aftermath.... Waiting for the PMS uncle to come and collect back his "precious" bikes....

And here is the mastermind of the event, shagged out.....
That is all for Night Cycling.... Cya for the Yr 2 chalet k.... It is on the 8 and 9 of January.... So cya till then!!!!